About Vanpool
Our Vanpool program allows groups of people to "lease" a WTA-owned van for the purpose of commuting to and from a common worksite. The vanpool group pays a fare, based on the number of miles the van travels each month. So, vanpoolers share the cost of commuting, and no one puts miles on their own car. Fares cover all costs to operate the van, including fuel, maintenance and insurance.
We can also help you form a new vanpool. Vanpools need to maintain an average of at least five riders per day. Since not everyone rides every day, you'll need more than five riders in the vanpool. A few must also be willing to drive. Vanpool drivers must have good driving records. We provide driver orientation and serve as your contact regarding van maintenance and other details.
Call (360) 676-7433 to speak with our vanpool coordinator about current vanpools, potential openings or for help forming a new vanpool.